Our Facility
Security Cameras Installed Throughout Building (Recording At All Times)
Convenient Location
11,000 Sq Ft. Of Indoor Space
9,000 Sq. Ft. Of Outdoor Space
Learning Centers Within Each Preschool Classroom
Dutch Doors (Half Doors) Entering Each Classroom
Cot Or Crib Provided For Each Child
Restrooms With Child Sized Facilities And Stalls For Privacy
Lunch And Two Snacks Provided Daily
Breakfast Snack Provided For Children Arriving Prior To 7:30 Am
Access To Internet Viewing Of Your Child’s Classroom
Staff Certified With Infant/Child Cp, Yearly Continuing Education And Health /Safety Courses Required Of All Staff
Type III Center
Hours Of Operation 6:30am To 5:30pm
Our Focus
Our focus will continue to be on student safety, development, and learning. The facility will continue to operate similar to how it has been with slight changes to improve the curriculum.
We look forward to meeting all of you, and will strive to continue to run a safe, clean, and educational child care center
Come be part of our family!